Home Improvement Programme (HIP) with EASE
Blocks 101 to 115 Bukit Purmei Road were selected for Home Improvement Programme with EASE and announced by Grassroots Adviser, Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong, on 15 August 2015 during the Radin Mas National Day Dinner.
Home Improvement Programme (HIP) polling for Block 101 to 115 Bukit Purmei Road was conducted from 21 to 23 January 2017 and residents gave great support by successfully voting for HIP
A community event to commemorate the completion of the Home Improvement Programme with EASE on 03 November 2018 and to express our gratitude to residents for their support.

Launch of Home Improvement Programme Exhibition and Polling for Block 101 to 115 Bukit Purmei Road on 21 January 2017.

Unveil plaque to commentate completion of Home Improvement Programme with EASE for Block 101 to 115 Bukit Purmei Road on 03 November 2018.

Home Improvement Programme for Bukit Purmei Road Working Committee and staff.
HIP comprises three different components:
(i) Essential Improvements
(ii) Optional Improvements and
(iii) Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) Improvements
i. Essential Improvements
Fully paid by the government for Singapore Citizen Households! Items include repair of spalling concrete/structural cracks, replacement of waste/soil discharge stacks, replacement of pipe sockets with new clothes drying rack and upgrading of electrical load.


ii. Optional Improvements
Highly subsidised by the government for Singapore Citizen households! Items include the upgrading of existing toilet(s)/bathroom package, new metal grille gate and new refuse chute hopper.


iii. EASE improvements
Also highly subsidised by the government for Singapore Citizen households! Flat owners can choose any of the items which include the installation of grab bars, application of slip-resistant treatment to floor tiles of toilets/bathrooms and installation of ramps based on residents’ needs.
2016 : HIP and EASE Mini Exhibition
2017: House Improvement Project (HIP) with EASE Polling
2017: Home Improvement Project (HIP) with EASE in progress
2018: Commemorate Completion of Home Improvement Project (HIP) with EASE
Video from Our Grandfather Story Facebook
For more information kindly visit
For any further enquires related to HIP work, please contact the HDB Bukit Merah Branch at Tel: 1800-225-5432.